Niche WordPress Theme by FasterThemes

Niche Theme Documentation

About Niche WP Theme

Niche is a clean, super flexible , fast in loading, bootstrap based , mobile responsive and modern looking premium quality WordPress theme. It can be used for any niche business or personal website.

FasterThemes Team


Niche makes your websites look stunning and impressive. So you’ll never miss any potential traffic.

Niche makes your website 100% mobile friendly. So your website looks perfect in mobiles, ipads, PCs, Mac and all other devices.

Niche is a very secure WordPress theme as it's been built based on guidelines.

You can add upto 5 social media icons and links using Font Awesome icons as per your choice.

Theme Installation

Step 1 - Click here to download Niche WordPress theme from
or you can directly search Niche from your WordPress admin panel.

Step 2 - Click on Add New button.

Step 3 - Click on Upload button at the top of the screen.

Step 4 - Choose and click on the Install Now button.

Step 5 - Wait while the theme is installed, when done Activate the Niche theme. (see screenshots below)

Click here to know more about WordPress theme installation.

Dummy Data

Step 1 - Click here to download the dummy data of Niche WordPress theme as seen in the demo and then go to Tools => Import Menu to import this XML file.

Step 2 - Importing Customizer Data : Niche is driven by WordPress customizer so to import customizer data first of all you need to download this customizer file then you need install this plugin Once installed, go to Appearance => Customize => Export/Import menu and then IMPORT the niche.dat file which you just downloaded.

Step 3 - Importing Widgets Data : "Niche" demo has widgets data as well so to import that data first of all you need to download this wie file then you need install this plugin Once installed, go to Tools => Widgets Exporter & Importer menu and then select the niche.wie file and click on Import Widgets button.

That's it! After this, you will get exactly the same website as the demo site.

Setup Home as Front Page

To Set up your home page as the landing or front page of your website, you need to go to General => Reading menu in WordPress admin panel as shown below :

Step 1 - Select static pages as front page and posts page from list as shown below.
Then click on Save Changes button.


Q.1 - How to create static pages or how to modify the imported page layouts?
Step 1 - Please go to SiteOrigin Page Builder Documentation to check how it works. This will help you in creating new static pages as well as modifying the imported ones.

Q.2 - How to upload logo and site icon?
Step 1 - Please go to Appearance => Customize => General => Header & Logo menu.

Step 2 - Here you can change your logo along with site icon and also add or remove site title and it's tag line. You can enable or disable the fixed header and change the normal and sticky logo size as per your requirements.

Q.3 - How To Integrate Social Icons?
Step 1 - Please go to Appearance => Customizing => Footer Social Accounts menu.

Step 2 - Here you can integrate your social accounts in footer section.

Q.4 - How to manage home template settings?
Step 1 - Please go to Appearance => Customize => General => Home Template Settings menu.

Step 2 - Here you can display the latest posts in home page template using post categories. Also, you can show & hide your latest posts area in it.

Q.5 - How to manage your footer?
Step 1 - Please go to Appearance => Customize => Footer menu.

Step 2 - Here you can choose whether to show or hide your footer widget area along with the number of columns to show. If you want to add a copyright text in your copyright area then you can add it from here.

Q.6 - How to manage sections on Home Page?
Step 1 - Please go to Appearance => Customize => Front Page Settings menu.

Step 2 - Here you'll find all the section of home page which you can easily edit. All of them are managed by Post Categories. You can assign a category as per your requirements.