Responsive WordPress Themes And Their Benefits!

WordPress is irrefutably one of the most preferred, open-source blogging CMS platforms. Due to the popularity of WordPress, a whole range of themes have been developed to suit the individual preferences of website owners and companies for web design in San Francisco. Responsive WordPress Themes, Customizable WordPress Themes, and Professional WordPress Themes are just a few of them. To have a responsive WordPress theme means that you will be working with a flexible theme that will allow for an optimal viewing experience and one that is compatible with all viewing environments viz., mobile phones, Tablets, iPads, PCs or Laptops. With Google’s announcement earlier this year, websites need to make sure that they are mobile-friendly if they want to be ranked higher in organic searches on Google and other search engines. For that, websites need to have a responsive design. Find out how WordPress can help you with its responsive themes and the benefits they offer –


  • Going Mobile Is The New ‘In’

In today’s time and age, shoppers are going mobile! From using Google to writing emails or even shopping, the humble mobile phone is always the solution to everything nowadays and nearly everybody is on a mobile phone. 19% of search queries in the travel industry come from mobile phone devices. Wouldn’t it be rewarding to have a Premium Responsive WordPress Themed website in this case?


  • Cross-Browser Compatibility

A responsive design with a fluid grid and a flexible design are supportable by all sorts of devices i.e. iPad, PC, tablets, mobile phones, desktops, etc. The fact that responsive WordPress themes can be supported by all devices and offers easy navigation, has also led to higher demand in the consumer electronics market. It is predicted, that by 2016, the sales for the consumer electronics market will be close to $80.2 billion. 


  • Increase In Web Traffic

Nearly 10% of website traffic comes from mobile phones and having a responsive WordPress Theme for your website means that the page is going to rank higher in search engines. This is because WordPress sites generally rank higher than other CMS platforms on popular search engines like Google and Bing. And because the user experience is an enhanced one with responsive WordPress themes, there are lesser chances of bounce rates. With responsive WordPress themes, you can design your website pages interestingly. What this does is, attracts more customers, and as a result, your page will have more views, leading to higher website traffic. 


  • Content Management Is Easy

The reason why platforms like WordPress are so popular is that it is easy to paste content from forums like Word directly into WordPress platforms, allowing for easy content uploads and creation. This makes the content on the webpage easy to manage and is also a cost-effective option rather than developing a website without the WordPress platform.


  • Themes Galore!

With 1000s of Responsive WordPress Themes at your disposal, you have the option of designing your website in any way you want. If you pay for Premium Responsive WordPress Themes, it is likely you will have a lot funkier themes to work with and can customize your web page in any which way possible! You can choose from classic options to bright and breezy themes, depending on your content, offerings, and the website that you are planning to build. A responsive WordPress site is also easily customizable with loads of one-click installation plugin options.


Having a responsive WordPress theme comes with a lot of benefits such as return on investment and the fact that it is the most prevalent and one of the easiest CMS to work with. Change to a responsive WordPress theme and you will see a marked difference in user activity, views, and user interface on your website.

Your website cost increases if you want to have a responsive WordPress theme. It means that you will be working with a flexible theme that will allow for an optimal viewing experience and one that is compatible with all viewing environments viz., mobile phones, Tablets, iPads, PCs or Laptops.

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